Safeguarding Statement
As a Grace Network project team, we want to restore dignity and revive hope to people from all walks of life. We are concerned with individuals and their circumstances and actively encourage an inclusive environment throughout all our projects. We are committed to ensuring a safe and supportive environment for all individuals who engage with our services, including staff, volunteers, and the wider community.
We believe that safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility and take all necessary steps to protect children, young people, and vulnerable adults from harm. We seek to ensure that all our staff and volunteers understand their roles and responsibilities in respect to safeguarding and are provided with training and guidance on safeguarding.
Each of the Grace Network sites have a safeguarding officer who is able to advise on best practice and respond to concerns and is available to all staff and volunteers to discuss concerns with.
Each Site CBS or CIC will appoint a member of the board of directors who has strategic responsibility for safeguarding
We will follow safer recruitment processes for the recruitment of staff who require safer recruiting, those who have a role that involves contact with or responsibility for children or vulnerable adults.
We commit ourselves to refer safeguarding concerns and to co-operate fully with statutory services.
This statement is to be brought to the attention of all staff and volunteers when they join, as part of their induction programme. Any amendments will be brought to the attention of all team members. The statement will be displayed at all locations in which the Grace Network operates.
If you have any safeguarding concerns or need to report an issue, please contact our designated safeguarding lead at
For more information about our safeguarding policies and procedures, please visit see our policy information here.